
When fear becomes a lifestyle, it permeates every aspect of daily existence, casting a shadow over even the most mundane activities

Imagine starting each day with a feeling of anxiety in your gut, questioning if today will be the moment you get apprehended, evicted from your residence, suffer a violent assault, lose your employment, or encounter harassment or prejudice. For LGBTQ+ individuals in Tanzania, this apprehension is not without basis. It is driven by actual incidents […]

The justice system must recognize the inherent variety in human sexual orientation and self-identity.

The LGBTQ+ community in Tanzania is expressing serious concerns regarding the perceived prejudice within the justice system when handling cases involving LGBTQ+ individuals. They are highlighting the lack of legal representation and the subjective nature of decision-making within the court system. In response to these issues, during PRIDE Month 2024, a dedicated group of volunteers

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